
Launching the #All4TheGreen Contest


In the lead-up to the #All4TheGreen G7 Environment Week in Bologna - a week dedicated to discussing and celebrating the environment during the G7 Summit, this upcoming June , Connect4Climate invites everyone who is passionate about the planet, the environment and everything around them to share their most striking photographs as a way to declare and celebrate the importance of Our Common Home.

The #All4TheGreen Photo4Climate Contest asks people to used their camera as an instrument for change, a tool to explore the beauty and importance of our planet, whether it is a natural landscape, a water resource, your local forest, an ocean, a cultural heritage site, or a city environment. The entries need to work as a visual message to raise awareness about environmental issues and climate change, encourage action, and also propose potential solutions to protect these places.

Contestants are asked to submit their visual masterpieces by sharing them on their Instagram account using the #All4TheGreen hashtag. Add a descriptive caption, describing what they see, where the photo was taken, and what it means to them.

-What’s important to you for green progress?

-What is your pledge for the environment?

-What is #All4TheGreen?

The contest will run until May 31st and the finalists will be announced on June 5th during the World Environment Day. Please see attached the social media kit along with some visuals for promotion. Please promote it widely among your networks.

Also, next Thursday May 11th at 11a.m., we are having a Facebook LIVE Q&A with “Put a Price on Carbon Pollution” special prize award winners Kaia Rose and Eric Mann, directors of “Climate Countdown: Carbon Pricing”.